Part 60 in the Book of Luke sermon series.
Chapter 19 of Luke's gospel record ended with Jesus driving out those who were selling at the temple because in His words, "It is written, 'My house will be a house of prayer'; but you have made it a den of robbers." (Luke 19:46).
From the temple courts, Jesus taught the people about God's character, His holiness and His commands, and He preached the good news about the need for repentance and what He, Jesus came to offer those who would truly surrender their lives to Him.
Jesus was questioned by the religious leaders about His authority, and then He went on to tell a parable to the people concerning a vineyard owner and His tenants. He ended with a quote from Psalm 118 - "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone (cornerstone)."
This message should cause us to examine ourselves to see whether we are truly seeking God with all our hearts and bearing fruit for His kingdom, or whether we are just practicing religiosity, being complacent with our lives.
Luke 20:1-19