Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Sermon Pt 2

Anna, a widow, spends 84 years in the temple and was rewarded by seeing the Messiah in His early life.

To Him Who Has Everything

What Christmas gift do you buy for the one who has everything. What does God want from you this Christmas?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Acts 20: 13 - 21

The Ministry Conference

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Acts 20:1 - 12

"What's a little murder on the way to church?"
Paul is on his way Syria, then hears of a plot to kill him, so he changes plans and heads back to Macedonia, accompanied by several of the brethern. After a while , Paul and the others join the others in Troas. While there, Paul went on preaching and talking and speaking through the night. A young man named Eutychus falls a sleep and falls out of the window. Listen to hear what happens to this young man.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Acts 19:21 - 41

Ephesus didn't care about the impact of the Gospel until it hit their pocketbooks. An attack on finances caused an uproar with the people in Ephesus. In verse 19:26 it says that Paul had convinced and led astray large numbers of people in Ephesus due to Paul stating that man-made gods were no gods at all. How did Paul lead so many "astray"?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Acts 19:1-20

Paul returns to Ephesus as he had promised. He comes across some disciples who had not been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus - they had not received the Holy Spirit. Paul continued speaking boldly - Asia heard the word of the Lord. Listen to the story of some Jews using the name of the Lord Jesus and how a demon beats and strips the seven sons of Sceva. God uses this event to spread His Word widely.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Acts 18:7 - 28

Paul continues his travels through Corinth, Syria, Cenchrea, Ephesus, Caesarea and Antioch and other regions, told by God not to be afraid, keeping a vow and having to decline an invitation to preach to the Jews.
Priscilla and Aquila explain the way of God more adequately to Apollos.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Acts 18:1 - 6

Paul has left Athens and is now in Corinth. Silas and Timothy have joined him again.
Whens the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, "Your blood be on your own heads I am clear of my responsibility." At what point do we "shake out our clothes" in our walk when we witness and the Gospel is not accepted?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Acts 17:16-34

Paul is still in Athens alone. The Epcurean and Stoic philosophers dispute with him, not understanding the things he has to say - this strange idea. Paul tells them God overlooked ignorance in the past, but now, He commands ALL people EVERWHERE to repent. In our lives, we can't "reason" someone to Christ, it takes the Holy Spirit. God doesn't need us for His existence, bue we need God for our exsistence.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Acts 17:16

As Paul in waiting for Silas and Timothy to join him Athens, Paul was distressed greatly to see that the city was full of idols.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Acts 17: 1 - 15

Paul and Silas continue their travels to Thessalonica and Berea, still facing success and persecutions. Paul goes to the synagogue and shows the ones there that Jesus is the Christ by using God's Word. Why does God place in His Word continual struggles? It's a call from God to persevere - Don't grow weary of doing good - fight the good fight.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Acts 16:22 - 40

Paul and Silas are arrested, put in prison and still worship.On the stage of suffering, they sing praises to God. There is a Kingdom purpose in everything we come across. As the prisoners in the prison with Paul and Silas were watching their reaction to chains, people in our lives, prisoners of sin, are watching our lives, especially on the stage of suffering. What does it take to stop the worship in your life? As Paul writes in Philippians, Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Acts 16:6 - 30

Paul and his companions continue their travels, guided by the Holy Spirit

Acts 15:12-35

Paul, Barnabas and Peter continue their talk to convince the Council that all who believe are saved by grace - not by circumcision - Gentiles included. A letter is written and taken to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.
Acts 15:12-35

Acts 14:23 - 15:11

Paul and Barnabas gets into a sharp dispute and debate with the Council at Jerusalem. Some men were saying that "unless you are cannot be saved" Peter also addresses them stating all are saved by the grace of God.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Acts 15:36 - 16:5

Paul and Barnabas disagree about John-Mark. They depart ways and Timothy join Paul and Silas
Acts 15:12-35

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Acts 14:21-22 Facing hardships

Part 34 in the Acts sermon series.
The Apostle Paul continued to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever the Holy Spirit led him. Nothing could dissuade him from his passionate life of following Christ even in the face of hardship.
Acts 14:21-22

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Acts 14:1-20 - Passionate, Persistent Living for Christ

Part 33 in the Acts sermon series.
The Apostle Paul consistently and persistently preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever the Holy Spirit led him. Nothing could dissuade him from his passionate life of following Christ.
Acts 14:1-20

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Acts 13:13-52 - Paul's Message of Encouragement

Part 32 in the Acts sermon series.
Paul and his team traveled to various parts of Asia, visiting the synagogues and waiting for opportunities to speak about Jesus. On one particular Sabbath, Paul was invited to speak a message of encouragement to the people.
Acts 13:13-52

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Acts 13:4-12 - False Prophets

Part 31 in the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, Paul confronts a false prophet. In this day, we find ourselves surrounded by false prophets - those who water down and distort the truth in the Word of God. How do we handle them?
Acts 13:4-12

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Acts 12:19b-13:3 - Ministering to the Lord

Part 30 in the Acts sermon series.
After Peter was released from prison, the story turns to King Herod, whom the people are praising as a "god". What happens when Herod basks in this praise, rather than glorifying the one True God that he was supposed to serve and represent?
"Herods" will come and go, and no matter what damage they inflict, God's Word still increases. God's true Church will CHOOSE to praise Him and to minister to Him.
Acts 12:19b-13:3

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Acts 11:27-12:19 - Through It All, Trust God

Part 29 in the Acts sermon series.
Persecution comes to the church in Jerusalem; the apostle James is put to death and the apostle Peter is arrested. Expecting the same fate as James, Peter waits in the prison cell, chained between two guards. Does he wait fearfully, remembering Jesus' words that he would die for Him? Does he ponder his defense before Herod at his trial the next morning? Here's a very real message for us today no matter what trial we may be facing.
Acts 11:27-12:19

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Acts 11:22-26 - Becoming an Encourager

Pt 28 in the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, a man called Barnabas, which means Son of Encouragement, went to Antioch to encourage the followers of Jesus there. The Word says that when he arrived, he saw "the evidence of the grace of God." What was this "evidence" Barnabas saw? What was so special about Barnabas that he is recorded as a "good man"?
Acts 11:22-26

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Acts 11:1-21 - Bringing People to Christ Takes the Hand of the Lord

Part 27 in the Acts sermon series.
After witnessing the conversion of the Roman centurion and his friends and family, Peter went back to Jerusalem. At first, the Jewish Christians criticized Peter for eating at the house of Gentiles, but then they heard how the Lord moved on them in the same way as He had with them.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Acts 10:24-48 - God Accepts Men From Every Nation Who Fear Him & Do What is Right

Pt 26 of the Acts sermon series.
Last week, Peter received a vision from the Lord, preparing him to go visit a Gentile Roman centurion. This man, whom the Scriptures tell us was God-fearing and did what was right in the Lord's sight, was sent an angel by God to tell him to send for Peter. This passage is so important to us non-Jews, ie Gentiles, because we see the Lord opening His arms to ALL nations.
Acts 10:24-48

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Acts 10:1-23 - The Faith of a Centurion

Part 25 in the Acts sermon series.
The Apostle Peter was staying in the home a tanner named Simon. While he was there, the Lord gave him a vision, preparing for an upcoming ministry to the Gentiles.
Acts 10:1-23

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Missions Trip to South Africa & Zambia

Pastor Billy is on a missions trip to Africa until May 16th. We will resume the Acts series upon his return.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Acts 9:32-43 - Tabitha: A Life Worth Imitating

Part 24 in the Acts sermon series.
In this section, we turn to the Apostle Peter, who was used by the Lord to touch two lives in dramatic ways. The first was a man who had been paralyzed for eight years and the second was a woman whose life touched many, but then she died, leaving them heartbroken. As we study how the Lord used Peter in these two situations, we see how we can be paralyzed by our circumstances, or dead in our sins, and by the touch of Jesus Christ, we can be healed and set free to live fully for His kingdom.
Acts 9:32-43

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Acts 9:20-31 - Having a Heart to be Led by the Holy Spirit

Part 23 in the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, Saul (later known as the Apostle Paul) has become a full-on radical follower of Jesus Christ. He goes to the Damascus Church, who having heard of his threats against Christians, still welcome him as a Brother in Christ. Then he goes to Jerusalem where he encounters a different reception. Nevertheless, Saul being led by the Holy Spirit, fearlessly preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Acts 9:20-31

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Victorious Lamb - Revelation 5:6-14

What symbols come to mind when you think of victory? The world has a definitely different definition of victory than what Jesus gave us. On Easter, we celebrate the risen Christ, but how do we see Him? What image of the victorious Christ do we hold on to?
The Victorious Lamb - Revelation 5:6-14

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Acts 9:1-19 -- No One is Beyond God's Reach

Part 22 in the Acts sermon series.
All of us have family members or those we know whom we think are too sinful, too evil to ever change their ways or become a Christian. The early church thought that about Saul of Tarsus, but the Lord can reach anyone. No one is beyond His reach.
Acts 9:1-19

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Acts 8:26-40 - The Reward for Obedience

Part 21 of the Acts sermon series.
Philip, one of the seven chosen deacons in the early church, was sent to the desert to minister. Because he obeyed the Lord, even if he did not understand why he was sent there, Philip was able to preach the gospel to someone God sent his way.
Acts 8:26-40

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Acts 8:9-25 - Repentance - Sign of New Life In Christ

Part 20 in the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, one of the early church deacons, Philip, preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the region of Samaria. One who listened and began to follow Christ was a man named Simon, who foremerly practiced sorcery. Did he continue in his old ways, or was he called to repentance and a new life?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Acts 8:1-8 - Snaphot #2 of a Deacon - Philip

Pt 19 in the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, we take a look at another deacon in the First Century Church - Philip. Did he have the same qualifications, the same heart-attitude as Stephen, who not only served by the power of the Holy Spirit, but witnessed about the love of Jesus Christ in the face of death. Was this burning passion of the early church leaders lost after time, or is it something we should possess today.
Acts 8:1-8

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Acts 7:54-60 - Seeing the Glory of God Through Persecution

Part 18 in the Acts sermon series.
After Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin for preaching about Jesus, he makes his defense, reviewing the history of the Jews and comparing their idolatrous acts to the actions of the current religious leaders. After hearing their charges, the members of the Sanhedrin were furious. Then, Stephen spoke of a vision he saw there in their presence - something which was given him by the Holy Spirit and sustained him through the horrifying ordeal to come.
Acts 7:54-60

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Acts 6:8-7:54 - Snapshot #1 of a Deacon - Stephen

Part 17 of the Acts sermon series.
In last week's message, we studied how the apostles chose seven men full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom to serve in the food distribution for the Greek widows. One of these men was Stephen, a man "full of grace and power", who did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. Jealously arose and some stirred up the people to accuse Stephen of blasphemy before the Sanhedrin. The defense of this common man, filled with God's Holy Spirit, should stir us as never before as we take our stand defending our Christian faith in these last days.
Acts 6:8-7:54

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Acts 6:1-7 - Choosing the First Deacons

Part 16 in the Acts sermon series.
After being beaten and imprisoned, Peter and the other apostles were released and praised God for being counted worthy of suffering for the name of Jesus Christ.
They were then confronted with another problem, this time within the church - something which could have caused division in the early church. How did they handle this situation?
Acts 6:1-7

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Acts 5:17-42 - Preach the Full Message - in Jesus' Name

Part 15 of the Acts sermon series.
Peter and the other apostles were arrested and commanded not to preach in Jesus' Name. They determined to obey God above man, and were severely beaten because of taking a stand for Jesus. How did they react? We must have the same determination and attitude that these disciples had in these last days.
Acts 5:17-42

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Acts 5:12-16 - The True Church

Part 14 in the Acts sermon series.
In the time of the First Church at Jerusalem, the apostles and all the Believers met together on one of the porches, outside of the Temple Proper, called Solomon's Colonnade. Even though they were outside of the "holy" areas of the Temple, this is where true worship and belief of Jesus Christ took place. There is significance for us today in that the true worship of Jesus Christ often takes place "outside" the church (building).
Acts 5:12-16

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Acts 4:32-5:11 - The Early Church

Part 13 of the Acts sermon series.
In this passage, there are two major contrasting events of the early church. The first focuses on the unity of the believers as they were filled with the Holy Spirit and all their efforts surrounded preaching the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ. The second event caused great fear to fall on the church, but also showed how God views hypocrisy in His Church.
Acts 4:32-5:11

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Acts 4:18-31 - Standing for Jesus Christ

Part 12 in the Acts sermon series.
Peter and John have been brought before the Sadducees after healing a lame man for teaching in the name of Jesus Christ. They were strongly ordered not to teach in "this" name anymore. Their response is one we need in our hearts for today.
Acts 4:18-31

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Acts 4:1-17 - The Courage to Proclaim the Gospel

Part 11 in the Acts sermon series.
Peter and John were accosted by the religious leaders for teaching and proclaiming the name of Jesus as resurrected from the dead. When asked by what power or name they did this, Peter - filled with the Holy Spirit - boldly answered them. The courage to witness only comes when we spend time with the Lord.
Acts 4:1-17

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Acts 3, pt 2 - Share Truth and Live the Life

Part 10 in the Acts sermon series.
The message Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost has not changed. The Truth of the Gospel is the same today as it was when it was recorded in the Bible. That's the Truth we need to share and our lives must reflect the integrity of that Truth - Jesus' Truth.
Acts 3, pt 2