Sunday, May 24, 2009

Acts 10:24-48 - God Accepts Men From Every Nation Who Fear Him & Do What is Right

Pt 26 of the Acts sermon series.
Last week, Peter received a vision from the Lord, preparing him to go visit a Gentile Roman centurion. This man, whom the Scriptures tell us was God-fearing and did what was right in the Lord's sight, was sent an angel by God to tell him to send for Peter. This passage is so important to us non-Jews, ie Gentiles, because we see the Lord opening His arms to ALL nations.
Acts 10:24-48

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Acts 10:1-23 - The Faith of a Centurion

Part 25 in the Acts sermon series.
The Apostle Peter was staying in the home a tanner named Simon. While he was there, the Lord gave him a vision, preparing for an upcoming ministry to the Gentiles.
Acts 10:1-23

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Missions Trip to South Africa & Zambia

Pastor Billy is on a missions trip to Africa until May 16th. We will resume the Acts series upon his return.